Friday, November 15, 2013

Our 3 month baby

Joy has been calling Simon a "tiny baby" a lot recently. She is probably doing this because she is constantly trying to sit on him or give him full body hugs and we tell her she can't because he is a "tiny baby". Well this tiny baby is now three months!

Who he looks like:  Simon is a mix of Brad and I, but we still think he favors my side of the family and Joy favors Brad's side of the family. His eyes are slowly loosing their grayness and there is brown that is starting to form around the pupil. I think we have a brown eyed boy on our hands. His arms and legs are LONG! He fits 3-6 months in the limbs but not the body. Poor guy...his daddy knows just how he feels.

What Simon is doing:

-awake for 1-2 hours or so each sleep, eat, wake cycle
-generally being VERY cute
-holding up his head
-playing on the baby gym and grabbing for the toys

Eats: He is a great nurser and nurses every two-three hours, stretching to 6-7 in the night.

Night: Simon still likes to be swaddled and goes to bed between 6:30-8:00. He will give me a 6-8 hour stretch and then wants to eat every 3-4 hours waking up for the day between 7-8am.
Naps: He takes roughly 4 naps a day. He loves to sleep in the carrier but isn't a fan of napping in his crib anymore. He sleeps there just fine at night. He prefers his bouncy seat or being carried. I usually try to have him practice one nap a day and he may sleep for 30 minutes......some days I just can't handle him crying and give up and let him sleep in the carrier. This too shall pass. His favorite thing to do is nap while nursing....I need to get this boy hooked on a pacifier....but he hates it so far

 inches long 

Likes: bath time(he kicks his legs the whole time)
eating, being held, smiling at us, the carrier (I even figured out how to nurse him in with his on the go sister he doesn't miss a meal!), the bouncy seat. He is such a content little guy.

Dislikes: the pacifier, taking a bottle (so he spends a lot of time with mommy!)

Favorite event: Going to his first Halloween party dressed as a "crab" and going to the beach for the first time (although he slept through both events)

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