Friday, November 15, 2013

Joy is 21 months

I really should have had a child born at the beginning and end of the month, instead of days apart, because it makes getting their monthly blog updates a little hard for me.

What Joy is doing 
  • Joy is talking up a storm!  
  • Joy loves to pretend to feed all her animals when she eats
  • She can clean up toys
  • Is a bit shy around strangers these days. She will say "Mommy shy up" which is very cute.
  • Is great at using a spoon to eat. 
  • Loves to drink her food....what a messy process
  • Total teeth: 16! i teeth are on to the 2 year old molars. Does this ever end??
What Joy is saying: Joy is constantly saying "What's that?" She talks in three word sentences and has fixed so many words that just last month she was saying wrong! She can say Jack, truck, Joy and drink all right now. She still says some really funny things!
  • Stabut = stand up
  • jubog= good job 
  • crocodada= crocodile 
  • She always says to Simon when he wakes up "Good morning sunshine!" 
  • Daddy rocks (it is on one of Simon's onesies and she think that all words on shirts say "Daddy Rocks" 
  • Loves: Our girl loves to eat: We had to put a new baby lock on the fridge because she outsmarted the old one. She has discovered there are dates in the fridge and will sit in front of the fridge demanding a date. She gets about one a day...and when I give it to her she says "no more" ha. 
  • Dairy Free: She eats a lot of different food than us because of this issue.
  • Still gives us trouble: Joy has been loving having bananas again but I think we need to take a break for a bit as it is giving her some trouble. 

  •  Night time: 7pm-between 6-7am. It is the weirdest thing.  She has been waking up a lot in the night and not wanting to go to bed.This morning she thought 5am was time to wake up.  We have been praying over her a lot recently for bad dreams and the last few days have been better. 
  • Naps: One afternoon nap (2 hours-if I'm lucky 2.5 hours). 

* Helping mommy in the kitchen...she brings the stool and wants to watch. I sometimes have to hide the stool! (and yes int he picture she has a hair tie was hard to get in and I had to redo it three times....then she forgot about it). 

*Joy was an Olympic swimmer for Halloween. Good thing it was a free costume because keeping it on was IMPOSSIBLE.  But she was cute for the 2 seconds she kept it all on.

* She is never without bear. I washed him a few days ago and she was SO sad.

* Books. I started hiding some of her books and bringing them out when we need some new entertainment but she found where I hid my stash! This girl is too smart for this mamma!

*Playgrounds! We got to at least 5 in any given week.

* Loves going to see her friends or maybe I should say "eating her friend's snacks" ha
*Going to the liboy "library" although she recently has just wanted to run around the library like a wild child...which the library frowns upon :-)

Is learning.....
* not scream when she is upset, but to tell us what is the matter.
*not to hit her little brother or mommy/daddy. 

Dislikes: Big crowds of people and will say she "mommy shy"

Favorite event: Going to the beach! Man that girl has a thing for large bodies and water and has NO FEAR. Swimming lessons will have to be sooner than later!

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