Friday, September 11, 2015

Three weeks of school done

(Drinking her smoothie on the way to school, a special treat if she eats all her oatmeal) 

Joy has been at school for three weeks and is starting to get the hang of it. 
Some new things 
- bear was left at home only get dolly joined her today
- this week she found a couple friends at school who like to play dollies too (carina and Michael). 
- she has learned many of her classmates names. 
- gets dressed right away with no tears (even with long pants and long sleeves!) 
- says goodbye to me and starts playing 
- has been asking to stay for lunch and the whole day
- is only napping three days a week roughly but will stay in her room for as long as Simon sleeps which is amazing

Joy we are so proud of you and all the new things you have learned in three short weeks!! 

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