Tuesday, May 5, 2015

20 & 21 months

I'm finding it hard to remember to post Simon's monthly updates. With our upcoming move from Hong Kong , summer in the USA and then moving to Estonia I can already see myself falling behind. 

What Simon is doing
  • Is full of life and general mischief . Simon is into everything.  My mother describes me as that way :-) 
  • Great problem solving skills and fine motor skills. 
  • Is interested in the potty and is highly motivated by candy. I'm not hitting the potty training hard until we are in Estonia but I'm letting him use it when he asks. 
  • He climbs everything and then jumps off. If I hide the stools he drags the chairs and climbs up so he can access the counter. His forehead always has a goose egg on it. 
  •  Is very astute and catches on to everything that is going on.

What Simon is saying 
Simon has been increasing his pantomime routine. He has learned two new word this month... Up& "PPP"= please. Although the last three days he has really been trying to at words and say the right one. Our usually silent boy is a little chatterbox. 
1. No
2. Yeah
3. ga ga: gross/garbage
4. baba: dog
5. dat: that
6. amm: food
7. mm mm: milk
8. Mama
9. da da
10. hi
11. bye
12. baabaa (and makes blowing motion): bubbles (which means he wants a straw)
13: nana: banana
14. Ot= out 
15. Up

Teeth: 16 teeth. All his teeth are through!!  Except 2 year old molars but if he is like his sister then they will be late and not a big deal. 

EatsSimon is a slow eater but he is a good eater and not too picky. He loves watermelon just as much as his father and sister. 

Night time:  7-5:30/6am. Simon is not the greatest sleeper and has tons of energy when he is awake. I'm hoping that with jet lag we can reset his sleeping a bit. He can just function on less sleep than Joy and we have tried everything to get him to sleep more. So we have seen great gains in his sleep from early infancy (horrible sleeper to tolerable sleeper) and we have come to terms with being up early. 

Naps: He is at one nap and will sleep for 1 hour on bad days and 2 hours on good days. Most days are at 1.5 hours.  

Weighs: 22.7 lbs

-  Live animals , especially bugs. It is interesting that he doesn't like to play with toy animals. He loved the tap poles we had for a month. 

-Going to the pool

-Being outside:  He stands at the balcony door saying "out" 

-Reading: His favorite book is "chu's day" very cute book about a panda who sneezes. 

- playdough and it is great he doesn't heat it! Joy still tries to eat it every now and again. 

-playing tea party in the shower 

-Taking out the dog with daddy and feeding the dog

-Playing with kitchens and watching/helping mommy cook

Dislikes: being in time out and not getting his way )temper tantrums are in full swing). He hates when I leave him (even if he is left with daddy). He also hates the sand at the beach on his feet. 

Favorite event this month: our trip to New Zealand in April was amazing. Simon loved playing outside! 

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