Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Summer time is the best

Summer break ends tomorrow. Six weeks goes by ever so quickly when you are having so much fun. It has been wonderful to be back home but it is always sad to say goodbye to family and friends for a whole year. 

We are happy to not have to get on a long flight again for a very long time. The flight back here was pretty horrid. Our least favorite age to fly with is: 6months- about 2 years old (or when they can watch tv!). Thankfully next summer Simon will he 2 :) 

We thoroughly enjoyed our time in the northwest (and our quick trip to Chicago/Indiana).  The weather (not humid!), the food (mexican food,  Portland food arts, milkshakes, berries), the people (family, best friends, new friends, old friends), the scenery (Oregon coast, views of rugged mountains), target (brad can do without ever going), long walks, amazing Newberg sunsets, housing sitting a big American house, camping, the zoo, date nights (with an aunty who babysat for free), trampolines, pigmy goats, and parks with swings (that you don't have to wait for)

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