Monday, February 17, 2014

Joy is 2 years old!

I think these monthly posts are coming to an end now that Joy is two. I may just do them every 4-6 months. Where have the years gone? Pictures from her birthday will be coming soon! 

What Joy is doing 
  • We started potty training and it is going really well. We have a few accidents every few days (twice pee and once poop....REALLY GROSS) and we use pull ups when we are out (I am not that brave yet). Her pull up has been dry when we leave the house and I bring the little ikea potty with us which is SO much better than trying to balance a 2 year old on an adult potty. 
  • Can count to 10 
  • Still singing "frosty the snow man". If there is a lul in the conversation or she is alone she busts out at the top of her lungs "FROSTY THE SNOWMAN BE CAN BE" :-) 
  • Still wants to sit in Simon's bouncy seat and baby gym 
  • Has been staying with the kids in mom's group which we both LOVE :-)
  • puts away her toys...may this last forever
  • She has started playing with Simon (handing him toys, and playing "this little piggy" on his toes!)
  • Total teeth: 16! Still waiting on the 2 year old molars
What Joy is saying: 
*Grandma taught her to say "seha" after coughing (Arabic word for "health"), and Joy says that all the time now!
* loves to say "What is that called?" as she learns new words
* Octopust = octopus
* mook= milk

  • Loves: Our girl loves to eat: Her favorites are: eggs with spinach, homemade chicken noodle soup, pumpkin soup and shaushaa (sausage). The girl is a carnivore! 
  • Dairy Free: We have reintroduced dairy and Joy seems ok. She loves plain yogurt and really sour keefer (with tons of bok choy in it..kind of gross but healthy). She hasn't drank a whole cup of milk yet but we are starting to thin out her almond milk and see how it goes. She doesn't like cheese much, especially melted. 
  • Still gives us trouble: when she eats too much fruit or nuts!

  •  Night time: 7pm-between 6-7am. On the weekend she sleeps until 7 and during the week she is up at one likes daddy's alarm!
  • Naps: One afternoon nap (2 hours-if I'm lucky 2.5 hours). 

* the new hair bows from Grandma Lorna
*playing hide and seek with grandma and grandpa Condie
* going bye bye
* walking and pushing her stroller (although she will still ride in it!) 

Is learning.....
* to be gentle will comes and goes.
*to NOT run away when she is walking with us (ie hold our hand).
*how to deal with life when she doesn't get her still usually involves her flayling on the floor 

That crazy face that Joy is making is her new "smile" face. Got to love two year olds!

*Really dislikes having "messy hands" while eating  and needs them wiped all the time. However she was fine with the messy sand at the beach!
*Not getting her own way! Having to leave a place she loves before saying goodbye to it.
*Time outs (which is good because when we would threaten time outs she would say OK!)

Favorite event: Having grandma and grandpa Condie for 10 days.

Joy you are a delight to have in our family. You and Simon make our family complete.  We love your exuberance and personality. 

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