Thursday, August 18, 2011

Videos of Estonia & St. Petersburg

It's a bit difficult to post on our blog when we only have internet at work. I (Brad) have mostly been doing our posting in pieces (during lunch, after school, etc). Also, I haven't been very organized about bringing in all of our memory cards from the summer (to upload photos and video to the blog). So, I'm just now getting around to uploading videos from our trip. The four below are (in my opinion) the best moments of our visits to Estonia & St. Petersburg. They're pretty short, so I hope it's not too difficult for anyone to load them.

If you only watch one, make it "The Singing Waiters" (at the bottom)!

This was the view from our boat as we sailed from Stockholm (on our way to Estonia). The islands around Stockholm were a beautiful backdrop as we ate our "gourmet" meal (smoked salmon, strawberries, and chocolate profiteroles):

Here's a video of the Old City in Estonia, taken from the top of the steeple of the Lutheran church:

And here's one of "the rabbit" in St. Pete. There's a local superstition that if you can toss a coin onto the rabbit's lap (and have it stay), your wish will come true! There was a guy sitting under the bridge collecting all the coins that bounced off the rabbit. I think he was more likely than the rest of us to have his dreams come true:

And another one of the restaurant ("Sadko") that we ate at by the conservatory in St. Petersburg. This restaurant hires conservatory students (singers) to wait tables. While we were eating, our waiter put down his tray and joined his co-workers to sing for about 5 minutes:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brad and Emily, WE sat on the bed tonight and watched your videos clips and read the blog together...laughed at the rabbit one and were amazed at the singing very impressive!! Thanks for putting up your posts we enjoy them alot!
