Monday, November 17, 2014

Simon is 15 months

Simon is a busy boy. He is a quick and confident walker/runner and is into everything. He has a very affectionate and sweet disposition. He gives the greatest kisses all day long.

What Simon is doing
  • Simon is everywhere and into everything.He is quite the explorer.  If he isn't trying to wake up Joy by banging on her door, he is trying to get into the trash can, scale a table OR trying to "pet" and "kiss" the dog...which the dog hates. 
  • Stands at the balcony and waves to everyone passing by. 
  • He stayed with the kids at mom's group for 15 minutes. 
  • Like to put things into bigger containers
  • Can maneuver all playground equipment (slides, stairs) alone 
What Simon is saying 
Simon understand so much of what we say to him and about him.

*ga: garbage  

*ck : means trash can or yuck
*ma ma: Mamma and MORE food
*da da: dog and daddy
* ba ba: bye bye followed by standing by the door and saying ba ba until we leave. He actually starts to bay ba ba as soon as I put pants on him after his nap because he knows we usually go out.

He enjoys the rare bath experience where he doesn't have to share with Joy (as you can see there is really only room for one in that usually they shower together). 

Teeth:6 teeth.. No new ones since July! ** update as of Nov 20 he has two molars popping through (one top one bottom). 


Nursing: two months of no nursing. He loves cow milk and drinks an ok amount during the day.
Solid food: Simon is a good eater but is super slow. We usually think he is done and realize he is just slow.  

  • Loves: bananas (he can eat 2-3 a day!).  green&keifer smoothies (he smiles and cheers the whole time I'm making them in the morning). Pasta and vegetables. Drinking with a straw 
  • Verdict is still out on: beans and will only eat eggs occasional. 
Eating a hash brown with daddy at of daddy's many schemes to help Joy and I sleep in the morning without Simon's noise!

Sleeps:   He wakes up at 5 am or 5:30am. He sleeps at night for 10-10.5hours. It is kind on the low average for his age but we can't seem to break it. He goes to bed at 6:45 usually. This last week we had three days where he slept until 6am and it was amazing. 

He naps at 9am and 1pm. 1-1.5 hours each time. A couple times this week he didn't want to take his morning nap but then still only slept an 1:10 in the afternoon and was unbearable in the early evening. If his schedule is shifting it is going to be a bumpy ride.
Weighs: 20.5 Lbs


- Doing whatever Joy is doing! Recently Simon really wants to be with Joy and play with her. However he doesn't quite understand the game she is playing and tends to just mess up her stuff. So there is some conflict these days between the two of them. 

-Trash cans: points to and tells me about everyone we pass. 

-The balcony; watching dogs people and construction.

-Being outside (playgrounds, walks, the roof) : Now that the weather is nicer we are going to the roof more. He would happily play there all day.

-Shoes! He loves trying on daddy's shoes

- Books: Simon's interest is growing in books. He still loves lift/flap books and touch and feel books the best.

Dislikes: He dislikes being very far from mommy.  He also dislikes it when Joy sleeping while he is awake. He as been sick a lot more than Joy mainly fevers and runny noses. He doesn't really handle being sick as well as Joy does.

Favorite event this month: First Halloween party! 

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