Wednesday, July 24, 2013

36 weeks with little brother

Total weight gain: 27 lbs (Supposedly the same weight gain that I had with Joy at 33 weeks .....maybe I wrote down the numbers wrong with her!)

Funny memory: Teaching summer school has given me lots of funny stories of kids interacting with my pregnant belly. Here are a few quotes:
"Wow you are still pregnant"
"If we play a love song will the baby come out?"
"Are you pregnant??"
"I think I heard the baby screaming!" 

Good: I am pregnant one week longer than with Joy so far so from here on out it is all uncharted territory. We saw a very good picture of little boy's face today and it made us very excited to meet him in person. Also I made it (mostly) through school without giving birth (2 more days!)

Bad: It's hard to believe my stomach can still stretch as I am feeling like the baby has no more room!

Ugly: The strange pains and weird twinges are quickly increasing. Although I would rather experience these pains again than the three months of vomiting with Joy!!


  1. Emily, You are the cutest pregnant woman I know. Can't wait to hear about your little guy. I will pray all goes well. Joy is so beautiful. What a wonderful family God's blessed you with. We look forward to seeing you all when you are next in the states!


  2. you look great!!! So exciting!! Can't wait to meet your new little one. Maybe he is waiting for me to get back to Hk :o)
