Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy Easter! Brad was pretty sick on Easter so we stayed home. I made the traditional sick person food of homemade chicken noodle soup and then some cinnamon rolls to cheer us all up.

Joy ... Well she hung out with us, nursed and practiced her paci sucking. Next year we can try Easter egg decoration.

Even though she didn't understand what we were reading she did participate in our tradition of reading the Easter story during passion week and putting an object from the story in a "basket". Growing up we called it an Easter basket. It wasn't until I went to college that I found out most Americans get candy and gifts in their Easter basket.


  1. Love the new pics!!! Keep them coming! It is the high light of my work day to check and see new photos- Love you guys

  2. I so enjoy the new pictures you post each week! She is growing so much..look how short those sleeves are on her! I hope she finds a pacifier she likes....cant say I ever had luck with any of you girls though.. But she seems to be showing more interest than I remember any of you girls :-)
    Hope Brad is back to normal and feeling better.
